Saturday, September 29, 2007

new stuff

Spirit Week was fun, I guess. Sophomore participation was smaller than Debra Messing's breasts, but the whole thing was enjoyable nonetheless-- Highlight being the short shorts of Friday. The Homecoming football game was last night. It was half fun, half gay. Probably because I wore only shorts and a short-sleeved t-shirt in the freezing rain. Then the game was delayed for about an hour. And then... well, I don't really have anything else to complain about it. At least we won. Still, God, I know you read this, so, please, next year, no rain or delays on Homecoming. Plz?

Tonight's the Homecoming Dance. I am so torn about dances-- free ass but you have to dance to crappy, vain, pseudo-music. I guess it just makes me human (says Steinbeck)?? I've said it before, but I honestly miss the early 60's dancing. Sure, it looks corny nowadays, but you could actually dance to the music (i.e. Dance, Dance, Dance by The Beach Boys, At the Hop by Danny and the Juniors, et al.) Whatevs, I'll be going, and I'll probably be all emo afterwards or something.

Also, my iAudio 7 DAP should come today. I guess I'm becoming a wannabe-audiophile. Got some MylarOne XB canalphones coming, too. Using EAC, I've been re-importing my CDs in FLAC, and man do they sound good. 949 kbps is pretty impressive. Even old live recordings (Live at the BBC) are getting ~450 kbps-- not bad. I'm basically doing this only because I love The Beatles, and the new vinyl needledrops are in FLAC. I'm kinda stupid, I know.

In other news, the Red Sox won the pennant. Can you say Daisuke Matsuzaka? Actually, you probably can. But Angels, look the hell out.


Anonymous said...

does anyone read this?

Anonymous said...

Hell yeah I do!

And is it just me, or do we talk about this every dance?