Saturday, June 16, 2007


Summer vacation is going well so far. Only one more final to go, and sleeping late is nice. Life can get a little boring at times, but whatevers.

The main problem is my internet. For some reason, my provider suddenly gives me a bandwith counter, with a ridiculously small amount to use. If I go over, I get knocked down to dial-up. Rly lame, so I'm looking into it. Seeing as how I have to share it with the family, it'll be a challenge.

Also, I have been having some strange dreams. No, none of them are sexual. But last night, I dreamt that Willy Nelson came to our school and shot a student. Hmm.

See you next entry.

1 comment:

Nick said...

I had a really weird dream too!
Some girl walked over to me, and bent down, and a tissue fell out her shirt. She was really embarrassed but I just blew my nose and went on. No, seriously.