Tuesday, March 6, 2007

snow day... again

I'm not happy about this. Not happy at all.

We've used up all of our snow days! Thanks to this one, we're gonna have to subtract a day that we were going to have off.

Not to mention that my parents didn't have the courtesy to tell me that it was a snow day. I wake up at 6:30 this morning, get dressed, eat breakfast, feed my pets, and get my shoes and jacket on. It's not unusual for me to be the only one up at around 7:00; my dad will usually come down the stairs then all dressed and whatnot. Today, he didn't. I go up to my parents room and discover that, lo and behold, we don't have any school.

Yeah. Crap. I kick off my shoes and roll into bed, but I can't fall asleep. When I finally do, I have a nightmare about a tyrant trying to kill me. Great.

Thanks, God. URULE.


Nick said...

Yet it is all okay

Bercause of this...


Luke said...

I saw that a couple of days ago.

Looks worse than horrible.

Anonymous said...
